"This girl shivers and crawls under the covers with all her clothes on and falls into an overdue library book, a faerie story with rats and marrow and burning curses. The sentances build a fence around her, a Times Roman 10-point baracade, to keep the thorny voices in her head from getting too close."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

sea inspired tattoos.

i love interesting and original tattoos.
my boyfriend painted (he's a graphic designer doing his masters at the moment)
the most amazing little jellyfish for me a few months ago.
and now i am really considering finding him a home...on my right thigh.


  1. FUN FACT: I went to the aquarium yesterday for the first time! I loved it, and I love these tattoos. :D
    And thigh tattoos are lovely, so I am all for that idea. <3

  2. YAY!
    Sonya you're one of my first "new" followers.
    And oh my word...I really want to go to the aquarium (i've been a few times...AGES ago)
    ...but over here it's so expensive now.
    I always used to go to the jellyfish section first:D

    And fun little fact from me: I am secretly (okay not a secret anymore) terrified of getting a thigh tattoo...because I kind of dislike my poor thighs:p


  3. do you even have thighs? :P
    if you're sure you want it... go for it! you have beautiful leggies, Flutter! <3
